Day Four

Bullet train today to Hiroshima to visit the Peace Museum so hopefully it will be enjoyable for those whose ‘tourist glasses’ have not focused yet!!!


The ‘big’ day on our schedule-bullet train and the Hiroshima Peace Museum. The kids were amazing. So respectful and so willing to ‘learn’ ( the teacher in me was so happy). I think everyone got something from the visit as all were taking about it when we got out. If you quiz your child when they get home, please ask them about the Museum. Went out for Okonomiyaki (savoury pancakes) and wandered through downtown Hiroshima. I must apologise in advance but I introduced the tourists to Daiso (100 yen/$1 store) and there are three in Sydney so you may get requests to go!!!

Your children were awesome today and I am so proud of them as you should be to!!!!!!

Now if I can only stop waking at 5 am local time , all will be good!!!!


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