1/24 tank





1/24 tank, a set on Flickr.

Picked this baby up in Katoomba this morning. It was calling out to me from Mr Pickwicks window…..'take me home and paint me up!!!'

Well, thats what I heard anyway and the wife said yes so thats all that matters!!

Took about 30 minutes to break it down……just hope I can remember how it goes back together!

MSV Zaku Tank Version 2

After getting some great feedback from various members on GAF, I came to the conclusion that what I had done was a bit ordinary so Im re-doing some stuff to the base and the tank. 

The new set of photos can be viewed at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristanforsyth/sets/72157628658568171/ (the old set can be viewed at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristanforsyth/sets/72157628337947141/) if you wish to see in bigger resolution/see more of the tank!

I really need to invest in some weathering gear/washes and terrain making stuff!!!

IMG_1440 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr


IMG_1424 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1422 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr


IMG_1423 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr


IMG_1449 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1448 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1445 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1388 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1387 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1390 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1391 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1423 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1401 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

IMG_1429 by Tristan Forsyth, on Flickr

Thanks to all those who gave some very good criticism/ feedback!