If ANYONE is not working/not getting a paycheck and runs out of food or necessities or times are just tough…please don’t let yourself or your kids go to sleep with an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message. I am more than happy to share whatever I can. No one has to know and I will pretend it never happened. What’s understood never has to be explained. #JoinTheCause CopyAndPasteIfYouCanAndAreWilling????

If ANYONE is not working/not getting a paycheck and runs out of food or necessities or times are just tough…please don’t let yourself or your kids go to sleep with an empty stomach.

Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message.
I am more than happy to share whatever I can.

No one has to know and I will pretend it never happened. What’s understood never has to be explained.
