Closing in on Townsville

As above.

As a side observation, the Korean Air hostesses don’t know how to apply their makeup!! (yes, I’m a little stir crazy)…it must be all the KPop and JPop I’m listening to!!!!

Finally made the flight

Sprinted through Korean Airport-quickest visit to a country ever!!! I reckon <10 minutes!!
All of us are now hot and sweaty and trying to eat dinner!!!!

Finally in the air!!

Had to wait for ages on the tarmac (stupid delayed flight due to a connecting flight-Air France!!!!)
Am in the air now cruising at over 400 km/h towards Dubbo of all places!!!
Should be there in about 10 hours I think!!!

Waiting at the airport

OK… it’s 7:30 am and they have just announced that the flight has been delayed by 45 minutes.
Knew it was going to be a long day when we missed the shuttle bus from the hotel.
Kids are pretty pumped for the trip and I will admit that I’m a bit antsy to get going!!!

Korea Vs China

Just watched a TV item comparing Koreas military might to the recently displayed Chinese military stuff. Rather amusing, especially with the translation to English.

2 more sleeps..

until we fly out. Helped Annie pick up a few things today and I do have to say that its now all official and we are really going! (yes, I know that we are going but now it feels ‘real’)

Just have to stop watching the Tsunami warnings….
