Buy My Stuff!!!

A plate full of Jeffs!
A plate full of Jeffs…and zero fucks given about resin safety apparently….

STL Test Print Figures

As some may have noticed, I design STL figures for Maschinen Krieger.
I don’t claim to be a good designer, and I don’t see this as a way to make money—I just like designing figures inspired by the MaK universe

Before I list a file on Cults, I always do a test print to make sure they actually work.
Most of the time, they work out fine; sometimes, they don’t due to human error, i.e. I cocked it up somewhere.

Because I test-print each file, I now have a rather large collection of test prints, most of which need a little cleanup but are ready to go.

Some are also primed, so the details stood out when I took photos for my Cults pages.
Incoming shameless plug

As I know I’ll never use really them, so I thought I’d offer the figures at a low cost, mainly to free up space.

Most are what I’d call ‘Good’, and I’ve used them in dioramas- if you look through my blog page (, you will see them!

But then there are those I’ll rate as ‘Sort of OK’;  issues include missing arms or legs, as I suck at supports!

Some also lack hair and T-shirts for some really weird reason—nothing a bit of putty, a head swap and paint can’t fix!

I’ve worked out the following pay scale, which I hope is fair.

I’m getting my resin costs back plus utilities, and you are hopefully getting a good deal!

NOTE: Most of my initial interest has been from the US (Im in Australia), so US dollars made sense to keep things easy.

Let me know if you are not American, and we can work something out!!


ONE figure rated as ‘Good’ is US$4+postage (see below)
TWO figures rated as ‘Good’  are US$8+postage (see below)
THREE figures rated as ‘Good’ are  US$11+postage (see below)
FOUR figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$15+postage (see below)
FIVE figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$19+postage (see below)
SIX figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$22+postage (see below)
SEVEN figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$25+postage (see below)
EIGHT figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$30+postage (see below)
NINE figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$34+postage (see below)
TEN figures rated as ‘Good’ are US$38+postage (see below)

Want more?
Hit me up, and we can work something out!


I am assuming people will bulk buy here as my prices are amazing!!!!

If it’s a small purchase (why??), assume US$16, as that was the quoted price for 1-3 kilograms!
I’ll find a smaller box somewhere!

The postage estimate to the US seems to be around $US20 for 3-5 kilograms, so let’s say US$20 plus the cost of a box from my post office, so let’s say $US25 for postage if it’s a large order.

-If it’s less, I’ll refund you!

Aussie buyers, mate’s rates apply, so swap US$ for AUS$, as the US$ isn’t the best option for us Aussies when paying for stuff!

I’ll also cap the postage in Australia to a maximum of AUS$15 because Auspost sucks!

I’ve only taken pics of 45 ‘Good ones’ so far as I’ve run out of zip lock bags 😂

The ‘Sort of OK’ figures will probably be listed in batches so you can cannibalise the parts!

I am thinking US$8 for FIVE figures, but I’ll also factor in how dodgy they are, so this price may fluctuate by number of figures (most likely outcome!)
If you are keen and serious about buying stuff (please, only serious offers), please fill out the purchase contact form at the end of this page to shoot me an email.
In the email, please let me know what you are keen on by giving me the ID codes, e.g., A13, B12, C2, etc.
“Orders” (lol) will be filled as they come in using the email’s time stamp as my main reference.


Note: I only use PayPal as it protects you from me and me from you!
As soon as funds clear, I’ll edit the photos, but I’ll also try to keep a running tally under the photos, marking figures as ‘on hold’ so it doesn’t get too messy.

The Photos

This section will be continually updated as Im still printing test files so please keep checking back!!


Clicking on each photo will take you to a full-resolution version- I apologise in advance for the first three average photos; I did rush this bit!!

Set A

On Hold:


Set B

NB- B1 and B2 are not meant to be too serious!
B2  is a bit larger than it should be so buyer beware!

On Hold:


Set C

NB C1- the towel is a little thin
C5 and C10- I snapped the katanas off like an idiot, but it’s nothing a bit of styrene won’t fix it!

On Hold


Buy kits from my secret stash.

Coming soon….

Purchases Contact Form